When does cash settlement happen to close out short delivery? Cash settlement to your trading account typically happens on T+3 day if the exchange is unable to procure the shares in the auction. See What is short delivery and what are its ...
How safe are my funds and securities with RYZ MARKET? The regulators have put in place strong measures to ensure the safety of both your holdings and funds if your stockbroker defaults. Holdings In India, you can hold securities electronically in one ...
What will happen to the amount lying in my trading account if I close my trading account? We're sad to see you go! Once your trading account is closed, the amount will be transferred to the linked bank account. We are always here to help you with ...
Someone has contacted me on behalf of RYZ MARKET and requested KYC documents? Is this a genuine contact? No, it may not be a genuine person calling you on behalf of RYZ MARKET. Please be aware that all the necessary steps in terms of KYC documents ...
Can I deactivate the trade confirmation SMS facility? We're Sorry! Due to its critical nature, we are unable to deactivate the Trade Confirmation SMS Facility. Here are a few benefits: 1. It informs you about your orders which get fully traded. 2. It ...